

Christmas is finally over.

I am still hashing out the final design of blog. What’s humorous, it that I tested out several new templates and flashy designs – just to come back to the original one I used for years.

The book reviews are going slower than anticipated. Looks like I should have been reading instead of playing the Xbox 360.

In my effort to get back into the swing of things, I requested some feedback on my book reviewing efforts. One item that made it to the top of the list was a rating system. I decided to keep with the Amazon/Good Reads 5-star system. This should help those folks out who have a little attention span (like me).

When I started this little adventure, I stated – that I will ask for nothing in return. However, I have to go back on my word. I’m not asking anyone to go out and give me a bogus review on any books I’m peddling.

What I would like to do is network. If you have a blog – let me know. Maybe we can guest write for each other. If you like one of my posts or reviews and link to it, let me know. Let’s all help each other out! You got an author Facebook – let me know!



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