911iconAs some of you might have noticed – my blog has been stale of late. Since, I’ve moved into the realm of being an author I was trying to present a more legitimate appearance. I had a grand scheme of doing book reviews for struggle writers (since I know how it feels).

I come to find out – that’s just plain old and boring. Therefore, I’m going back to the caffeine & ADD fueled posts of yesteryear. I’ll still post reviews when I get to them.

At the moment, I’m on a different endeavor. I wrote and published my first wordpress plugin. Now, I’m back into doing research for my next book. While at the same time, formatting a book I already completed.

For years, my wife has worked in the 911 emergency services field as a dispatcher. My book is directly involved with that field. However, I only have a small sampling of data from two agencies to work with. I have created a survey and posted it on pinnion – a survey site.  Click the big blue button below to take the survey.

Telecommunicator Survey – Currently Closed.

If you work or have worked in that field – please click on the button and take the survey. I would appreciated if you copy the link and send it to others in the field. If you have any questions or comments – feel free to post or ask them. If you would like to be notified of results or when the book & data is published then feel free to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or here.


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