
Years ago, with the help of a friend, we launched Bonesnap.com. At first, Bonesnap served as a platform for our collective ideas, all centered around humor. Over time, Bonesnap evolved, but our ability to generate new content and attract new users declined. Life took us in different directions, and each of us focused on our own careers.

At heart, I am a developer, and I tried to maintain Bonesnap on my own.

As time passed, I decided to retool Bonesnap into a blog, using WordPress as the engine.

Now, I can write and post my ideas, rants, pictures, and random thoughts from any device with an internet connection. Welcome to the new Bonesnap.com—my world.

I should warn you: I am not your typical blogger. My topics and posts are often offbeat, usually revolving around dark or twisted humor.

Think about this for a second:

  • I am very anti-social (might have Asperger’s), yet I try to blog.
  • I think I have ADHD, yet I’m attempting to be an author. There’s a squirrel! I like ham. When does Supernatural come back on?
  • I typically don’t care what others think of me, yet I need an online presence to attract new subscribers.
  • I work in IT. I know I’m a geek.
  • I am from Oklahoma. Please don’t hold that against me.

This shit is hard.

If you’re still reading, I admire your fortitude. So, here’s a little more about me.

My latest endeavor over the past few years has been to become a self-published author. Naturally, my posts have recently focused more on self-publishing rather than sharing zombie pictures. I’ve successfully published several anthologies and am now working on my next writing project.

But honestly? I’d rather just post some zombie pics.

-publishing instead of posting of zombie pics.

I would really rather post some zombie pics.

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