Pimping your book with business cards – does it work?

Pimping your book with business cards – does it work?

For me, I don’t know. I just started down this road. When I first started this self-publishing adventure, I needed a proofreader or copy editor. Someone who could review my work and let me know how terrible a writer I was. I’m a big fan of using local talent for work...
BloodLoss – Ten Twisted Tales now on Amazon

BloodLoss – Ten Twisted Tales now on Amazon

Today is a one of the best happy hours I’ll ever have! Today is the official release day of my book. BloodLoss: Ten Twisted Tales is available on Amazon. I was trying to think of something witty and profound to post. However, words actually escape me. Not to sound...


Yes, I suck at spelling. There – it’s out in the open. I also suck at grammar, plot creation, and character descriptions. Yesterday, a kind man (or woman) posted a comment to my site. In essence, I was instructed to proof my blog entries before posting them on...
As an author, what type of obstacles have you faced?

As an author, what type of obstacles have you faced?

When I was child (a very long time ago), I was socially awkward. Back then, I was labeled as hyperactive and super-shy. I preferred to be alone and for the most part was. A few other things set me apart from most of the normal kids. However, I kept my feelings and...
Blogging vs. Intrusive Self Promotion

Blogging vs. Intrusive Self Promotion

Let’s set a few things straight before I continue: I am not a blogging expert I am not a marketing expert I am not the trendsetters’ expert I started www.bonesnap.com years ago. I switched over to a blogging format because of the ease-of-use content management system....

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