English Class

English Class

Over the past several months I’ve been converting some of my short stories for publication. In essence,  at the time I wrote most of them – I wasn’t really concerned with the small details like, grammar, sentence structure, spelling, flow. Now I’m paying dearly...
A Swahili Christmas

A Swahili Christmas

Months have gone by since the “Bicycle Tire Explosion of 2010” and Christmas is rapidly approaching. The wife and I debated on getting the neighbor Swahili kids something for Christmas. Now, for me it was a shot at gaining back a little karma and saving face. The wife...
Good Deeds

Good Deeds

Back in June of 2010 we had some new neighbors move into the house behind mine. Our driveways are shared by a back alley. I’m not Andy Griffith or Mr. Rogers – meaning I didn’t go introduce myself or welcome the family to town. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a mean old...
Life on the Big Rig

Life on the Big Rig

Seems it’s been awhile since I’ve posted. I have no excuse. Guess I’m just lazy. With Christmas near I was thinking back about my family, mostly about my dad. He was a very unique person. During my childhood we pretty much lived in poverty. Mom and dad both worked...
The Buffalo Man

The Buffalo Man

Years ago when I first got married the wife and I lived in a small trailer in McAlester, Oklahoma. Our house was located on 15 acres that joined land to my in-laws. The in-laws had fenced off 10 acres and ran a few head of cattle on it. One summer an older gentleman...

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