Flying – Part 2

Flying – Part 2

Years ago when I first started consulting I had to fly back and forth from Dallas to New York. At the end of the week in New York, I returned to the airport to learn my return flight had been canceled. American Airlines was good to me, they booked me another flight on...
Flying – Part 2

Flying – Part 1

Seems I forgot to put together a post for this week so if this one seems thrown together then forgive me. In my profession flying from job site to job site was a weekly habit. It was so ‘habitual’ that a lot of the experiences I had during flying I didn’t consider...
Turn Down Service

Turn Down Service

For those of you who might not know – ‘turn down’ service in a hotel chains pretty much consist of some one coming into your room and flipping your sheets down and most the time placing some inedible chocolate or mint on your pillow. To me, it’s one of the most...
As FOL Turns

As FOL Turns

I like machinima. I like making machinima. Some folks call it silly and immature but I find it very interesting. Over the past year I’ve been playing around with it so I could create little video shorts to post on my YouTube channel. I was looking for a new idea for a...
We all have twins

We all have twins

So if you read my last post you’ll remember I was in Denver, Colorado doing some consulting work. It was the middle of the week and I was following my daily routine. I woke up, showered, got ready for work, walked through the hotel lobby, get in my car and head to the...

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