Over the Hill

Over the Hill

I find this interesting. Every time I post to my blog, I swear that I’ll get off my ass and post more to my blog. With me being sort of anti-social yet trying to be social (virtually) is quite an interesting challenge. To say that a lot has been going since my last...
Holy Crap!

Holy Crap!

Holy crap on a cracker! I haven’t posted anything on my blog in over a year! Let’s see if I can change that this year. In summary, I needed some data from the 911 telecommunicator field for a research project. I posted two surveys on various websites and Facebook to...
Telecommunicator Metrics Update

Telecommunicator Metrics Update

I’ve been collecting Telecommunicator data on my Pinnion survey for several months. I officially closed it down on December  31, 2013. There were over 1931 responses and it was viewed over 2100 times. In my personal opinion – that’s a fantastic turnout. I want to...
Telecommunicator Metrics Update

Telecommunicator Metrics

As some of you might have noticed – my blog has been stale of late. Since, I’ve moved into the realm of being an author I was trying to present a more legitimate appearance. I had a grand scheme of doing book reviews for struggle writers (since I know how it feels). I...
KDP select and publishing.

KDP select and publishing.

Depending were you go on the internet, there are positive and negatives reviews about the Amazon’s KDP select program. I’ve listed my first impressions about the program earlier this year. I think the KDP program is a viable marketing solution – if used properly. My...


After months of missing deadlines – I finally released my short story – Barghest – The Ironspike Chronicles on Amazon. Barghest started out as a stand along story and morphed into something bigger. It turned out to be one of the few stories that I...

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