Late Christmas Gifts

Late Christmas Gifts

This post is for a select few. So, if you make it to this page by accident and you’re confused – that’s why. Those who were directed to this page – you know the tragic year 2021 have been on the Johnson/Enoch family. There is no reason to go...
Roll your own Pre-workout mix

Roll your own Pre-workout mix

Since 2016, I’ve been mixing my own pre-workout. There are numerous reasons why and it wasn’t to save money either. I had two fundamental reasons why I started mixing my own concoctions. It’s common knowledge that you need to maintain about 5g of creatine daily for...
My Lasagna Adventures

My Lasagna Adventures

I like Lasagna. I haven’t had really good Lasagna since mom cooked it for me when I was a wee lad. As my 50th birthday drew near, the wife decided to track down that best lasagna in town. A simple question on the Support Frisco Restaurants garnered 100s of...
MBA Online Degrees vs MBA Brick and Mortar Degree

MBA Online Degrees vs MBA Brick and Mortar Degree

Years ago, I was goaded into pursuing my MBA by a co-worker. In a summarized version of his work-life plan, he did not was to be slinging code the rest of his life. The MBA was a stepping stone to the ‘next-level’ of one’s career. I didn’t put much thought into this...

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